Authors Note: It is the first time I made a Fan Fiction and maybe you readers give some of your precious time provide feedbacks. For now, hope you guys like it. ^_^
Disclaimer: "The events depicted in this Fan Fiction are fictitious with a touch of reality (Real Fantasy). Any similarity to any living person are either a parody made or the true person themselves and it is not so merely coincidental."
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Good Day's IU's crush in the store (as store clerk oppa). |
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Good Day Dancers (special cameo) |
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Good Day's Dancer Oppa (as Dancer Oppa). |
It was a sunny summer Saturday morning with a blue sky and birds chirping outside.
*chirp chirp chirp...*
Suddenly in a sun lit room, a alarm-radio turned on automatically that played a violin played for the first 5 seconds then accompanied by a trumpet ( ☞
"errr...Good Morning, Ji-Eun noona...errr...Good Morning, Ji-Eun noona.", announced the red bird.
"Mmmm...", moaned someone under a fluffy blanket.
*rolling around the bed* The person flipped the fluffy blanket and sat upright in a bed with many pillows and a huggable teddy bear. She had her head bowed down that made her messy dark long hair dangling. She then tilted her head up while rubbing her eyes.
"Good Morning, Mr. Parrot." said the person on the bed in a yawning manner. Then looked towards Mr. Parrot with a fresh-waking-up smile with eyes still closed. After a while, Lee Ji Eun took her blanket, put it aside and get off the bed. Once she get off the bed, she took her round glasses in the desk next to the bed then walks towards the still playing alarm-radio. On her way to the alarm-radio, she listened to the music that coming off that radio and thought,
"hmmm...this song sounds familiar", said Lee Ji Eun to herself.
She turned the alarm-radio off and stretch her body while looking outside through the window. A rumbling sound surprised Lee Ji Eun and look to where the rumbling sound and saw Mr. Parrot energetically flapping its wings.
"Oh sorry Mr Parrot", an apologetic Lee Ji Eun said. "I will get you out."
She reached towards the steel-made birdhouse and open the small door where the colorful bird swiftly got out and flew into Lee Ji Eun's shoulders.
"IU...IU~ssi!!!", someone outside yelled. "Are you awake? Get up. Today is a good day."
Lee Ji Eun moves toward the window and opened it and said in a loud voice, "Eonnie, Good Morning. I'm awake, I'll be down in a minute."
IU closed the window, ran out of the room, with Mr. Parrot still on her shoulders, and went directly to the bathroom, took off her glasses and washed her face. As she washed her face and oblivious of her surrounding, there was a silhouette of a short-stature person with long unkempt curly hair present in the shower.
"Errr...", noisily made by Mr. Parrot while looking at the silhouette.
"What is it Mr. Parrot?", asked IU who also looked at where the silhouette was. "There's nothing there. Let's go down, eonnie is waiting."
IU went downstairs running, passed through the kitchen swiftly and suddenly stopped when she saw something in the kitchen table.
"What is this?", confused IU said while grabbing a CD along with a music notebook in the kitchen table and scanned at it.
*Ding dong* *Ding dong*
"Oh...I'm coming eonnie", yelled IU and ran towards the door with the CD and the music notebook in her hand. She opened the door and said, "Eonnie come inside".
"Good morning IU and Mr. Parrot," said the energetic eonnie. "Are you ready for that variety talent show contest in two weeks?"
"Ah...yeah eonnie.", said IU in a confused-laughing manner.
"Oh what is that?", asked eonnie and took the CD and the music notebook from IU's grasp. She look through the music notebook with a pleased expression in her face.
"IU~ssi the lyrics of this song is pretty good", a pleased eonnie said. "How long where you doing this song? It looks like you are really preparing for the contest after what happened last year."
"Ah...yeah eonnie", a confused IU said.
< Into IU's thought >
"Where did this CD and notebook comes from?", IU asked herself.
Eonnie suddenly went to the living room and walks toward the CD-Stereo. She turned on the CD-Stereo and looked at IU as she putting the CD in.
"Let's listen to it IU", said eonnie.
IU and eonnie listened to the composed music in the CD and suddenly IU thought to herself.
< Into IU's thought >
"This was the music I heard on my alarm-radio", confused IU said to herself.
< Back to reality >
"Wow IU its really good. Let's use it for the contest", excited eonnie told IU.
"Neh eonnie. Let's use it", smiling IU answered eonnie.
*Ding dong*
"Oh it must be Dancer Oppa", said eonnie.
IU and eonnie together went to the door and opened it.
"Good morning you two," said Dancer Oppa smiling and went inside the house.
"Oh good morning oppa," both IU and eonnie greeted.
"Whoa, what are you guys listening to?", asked Dancer Oppa while listening to the music IU and eonnie was listening to seconds ago. "Wow I like the instrumentals. Who made this?"
"IU did", answered eonnie. "We should use this for the number we are going to do for the talent contest. We just need to come up with a dance."
"Nice IU", said Dancer Oppa. "We also need a lyrics."
Eonnie then showed the music notebook and said, "Don't worry IU did it already."
Dancer Oppa took the music notebook and scanned through it then said, "Wow IU, you really are working hard for this contest after our "Marshmallow" performance and took to heart what that PYJ's representative judge said. The song is not finished though. But I know you can finish it IU."
"Neh. I'll work on it oppa.", said the smiling IU.
The house door then opened up and comes in IU's parents with groceries in their hands. IU, eonnie, and Dancer Oppa helped out with the groceries. After helping out, eonnie and Dancer Oppa says there goodbye to IU and her parents which the latter also did.
< Hours later >
IU is in front of her laptop browsing the internet with a music notebook in the laptop keyboard while playing around with a pencil with her hand. IU is in her deep thought thinking about the song they are going to perform.
"Err...", Mr. Parrot made noisily.
IU turned towards Mr. Parrot. "Oh, what is it Mr.....", stuttered IU.
"A-pppp....", IU screamed but suddenly stopped while looking at something.
A short stature man with a long unkempt curly hair and a round eye glasses (like ☟)
is looking down on the sitting IU and appears to be trying to hand something to IU. IU took a notebook from the man's hand while looking confused.
"Ah. So it was from you.", said IU. "Wait how did you..."
The short stature man suddenly disappear.
"Oh, where did that ahjussi went?", asked IU like a confused child. (like this) ☟
"Whoa, this is the continuation for the song", said IU. "That ahjussi must be a music fairy."
"Errr...Music Fairy.", said Mr. Parrot.
< Two days later. > < In a Monday afternoon at a park. >
"Here comes IU.", said eonnie to a group of people hanging out in a park bench.
"Hi, IU.", said the group of people in unison.
"Oh hi guys. How is your summer so far? You guys ready for the contest?", asked IU.
"Oh were fine.", one girl said. "We all are ready for it." , one guy said.
"So IU have you finished the song", asked someone from the group.
"Neh.", answered the smiling IU. "Here Dancer Oppa take a look." IU handed a music notebook to Dancer Oppa.
Dancer Oppa took the notebook and look at it while others looking over at the back. All of them have wide eyes and making "ooohh & ahhh's" sound.
"You really worked hard IU and trying to do better compared to last year's "Marshmallow's" performance. Now we can really compete against that Kara group", said Dancer Oppa.
< Into the groups thoughts >
Everybody in the group including IU looked towards the sky and reminisce for 3 minutes and 24 seconds ( this performance ).
< Back to reality >
"Let us not disappoint our self and try our very best and show that PYJ's representative ahjussi", eonnie said. "We will not put IU in a marshmallow suit while singing. We will show her new figure that she worked hard for a year that will compliment her wonderful voice."
"Ah. Kamsamida eonnie.", a flattered IU said.
"So how is it between you and that Wooyoung oppa IU", asked eonnie. "You lose the weight for him righ..." IU suddenly lunged herself to eonnie and covered her mouth.
"Eonnie. Shhh", said an embarassed IU.
"Dora eonnie is right.", said the pumped up Dancer Hyung."We need to practice hard from now on so let's go to my roof and practice there."
The group stand up from the park bench and walk out of the park while eonnie is just standing in place and wait for Dancer Oppa to passed by. Eonnie grabbed Dancer Oppa on the shoulder and stared at him with a fire in her eyes.
"Dora eonnie?", eonnie asked Dancer Oppa in an angry tone.
"Oh. hehe. It's because of your hairstyle.", a scared Dancer Oppa answered. "You know the bangs." Dancer Oppa smiled.
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The bangs |
Eonnie then turned around while making an "Hmph!" sound. The group then walked towards to the house of Dancer Oppa.
< The group practice their dance routines for several hours in Dancer Oppa's roof. >
< Several hours later... >
One of the group member took a ball and threw it to Dancer Oppa.
"Dancer hyung hit it back.", said the playful group member.
"YAH!", yelled an unprepared Dancer Oppa. He was able to hit the incoming ball but instead of towards the group member who threw it, it went to the neighbors roof.
"Oh sorry hyung," said the worried group member.
"Alright now you have to get that ball back. That is my little brother's favorite ball.", said the slightly angry Dancer Oppa.
"But how?," asked the group member. "I can't jump through there and it looks like the neighbor is away in vacation."
"Well you can use that," said IU while pointing to what looks like an arching bridge connecting the two roof. "You can use that arching bridge over there oppa."
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Arching bridge connecting the two roof |
"OMG! There really is an arching bridge.", said Dora eonnie. She then took out her handy phone and took a picture.
"Wow. It is really an arching bridge." , said the the other group members simultaneously.
"Yeah, the architect of these two houses is a genius", Dancer Oppa said mockingly.
"Yeah it is designed for Batman and Spiderman.", added by Dora eonnie. "Those two wont have to use synthetic spider webs and the Bat-boomerang to go through houses."
*crickets sound effect* All the group members looked at Dora eonnie with a dull face.
"Alright I know its bad", said a disappointed Dora eonnie and bowed her head.
"Go on get the ball." said Dancer Oppa to the member who threw the ball.
The member who threw the ball then went walk towards the bridge and pass through it to go to the neighbors roof. Meanwhile, Dancer Oppa gathered up the other members.
"Let's leave him.", suggested Dancer Oppa.
"Yeah. It's almost dinner.", said IU. The other members nodded and agreed to IU's statement.
"Alright, let's all go home.", said Dora eonnie.
The members say there goodbyes to each other and went on their ways. While the other member got back to the roof with the ball, he found out his members ditched him.
"Oh very nice of you guys.", the pitiful member said.
Meanwhile, as IU is walking towards her house, in the adjacent street, Mr. Parrot and a short-stature man with long, unkempt curly hair and round eye glasses that IU named the Music Fairy is having what seems like a conversation.
"Errr...Hyung its you again.", said Mr. Parrot. "What are you doing here?"
The Music Fairy puts his index finger in his mouth and made a "Shhh..." sound while looking at Mr. Parrot.
"Errr...Why are you sushing me?," asked Mr. Parrot.
The Music Fairy made the same gesture of putting his index finger in his mouth while looking in a corner. The annoyed Mr. Parrot flapped his wings and swing his head away from the Music Fairy.
< Into Mr. Parrot's thoughts >
"He could at least say something. I'm a bird and I've been given a privilege by the author of this story to speak," thought Mr. Parrot.
< Back to reality >
Suddenly in the corner where the Music Fairy is looking at, popped out the walking IU.
"Errr...Oh ok. Are you a Pedo-Music Fairy of some sort?", asked Mr. Parrot while looking at the Music Fairy. "I'm going to warn Ji-Eun noona about you."
The Music Fairy suddenly hit Mr. Parrot, which made Mr. Parrot to fly angrily, and the Music Fairy magically disappeared.
"ERRR...Good riddance. Don't ever comeback near me and Lee Ji-Eun noona!", Mr. Parrot scream angrily.
"Mr. Parrot. Are you waiting for me here?", asked IU. Mr. Parrot flew towards IU's shoulder and began to peck on her hair.
"Ooh...Alright let us go home.", a happy IU said. "But first let us buy a drink in General Store as well as a sweet dessert for appa and eomma."
IU entered the store but her expression suddenly changed. IU walked clumsily towards the beverage section and took a water bottle. Then she walked toward the aisle where the dessert products is in when suddenly pop out a store clerk oppa. IU was surprised and suddenly put her head down and start to look for a tasty dessert. While looking at the sweet junks, the store clerk oppa passed by her and as he passed through she followed him with a gazed as if it was a radar. IU randomly picked a marshmallow box and went directly to the cash register where the store clerk oppa went. She put the water bottle and marshmallow box in the counter and a store clerk noona scanned the items and told IU the cost. IU was still in a trance as she gaze the store clerk oppa when suddenly.
"Sarangheyo..." "Oppa..." "Errr....", Mr. Parrot said out loud.
Intense heat suddenly rose to IU's head and her face suddenly is flushed red. She hurriedly took the items she bought and darted out of the store. Mr. Parrot was left alone in the store as he was surprised with IU's action and was not able to catch up.
"Oh wait. Your parrot.", said the store clerk noona. "Aigoo, what a cute little girl and what an honest parrot." Store clerk noona petting Mr. Parrot in the head.
"Oppa, take this parrot and give it back to the little girl after you are done with everything.", said store clerk noona. "She lived near here, she's a regular customer."
Meanwhile, IU made it to her house and had a dinner with her family. After dinner she suddenly remembered that she left Mr. Parrot in the store and thought about going back.
< Into IU's thoughts >
"Should I go back? It is already late. Maybe I'll just come back tomorrow.", thought IU. "Will store clerk oppa be there tomorrow? Arghh...Mr. Parrot just have to really say something out loud and let store clerk eonnie hear it as well. Eotteokhae, eotteokhae? I should call Dora eonnie and ask her to get Mr. Parrot from the store. Oh, I might never come back to that store."
IU called Dora eonnie.
"Eonnie could you do me a favor?", asked IU through the handy phone.
"Why what is it?", answered Dora eonnie.
IU told Dora eonnie what happened to the store.
"So Dora eonnie could you get Mr. Parrot from the store tomorrow?", asked IU.
"So it was that other oppa after Wooyoung oppa. Kekeke", said Dora eonnie.
"Ehhh...Eonnie...", said IU in an embarassed manner.
"Arraseo, I'll get Mr. Parrot in the store tomorrow.", said Dora eonnie
*ding dong*
"Sounds like someone is at your door.", said Dora eonnie.
"Appa will get it.", answered IU.
Then IU and Dora eonnie ended their call.
"Ji Eun~ssi come down here for a moment.", yelled eomma downstairs.
"Coming eomma.", IU answered back.
As IU went downstairs, she was surprised to find out that appa had Mr. Parrot in his hand.
"Oh there you are Mr. Parrot.", said a surprised IU. "How did you get..."
"A nice young man brought Mr. Parrot in and said you left it in the store.", said appa.
"Ji Eun~ssi, you should take care Mr. Parrot well.", said eomma.
"Neh, eomma, appa.", said IU in a respectful manner.
IU went back upstairs with Mr. Parrot.
"I guess I won't have Dora eonnie to get you from the store.", said IU while looking at Mr. Parrot. "Thanks to you Mr. Parrot I might not go back to that store again with store clerk oppa still working in there. But then again at least oppa knows. Kekeke." IU is petting Mr. Parrot with a smile as they went inside IU's bedroom.
< 11 days later >
After the final practice of the performance number that the group will be going to perform for the contest tomorrow, IU and Dora eonnie are going home together.
"IU~ssi let's go to the General Store and buy something to eat.", Dora eonnie told IU while using her elbow and slightly tapping IU. "Let's ask store clerk oppa if he wants to watch you perform in the contest."
IU then slapped Dora eonnie's shoulder and said, "Eonnie!" IU's face suddenly turned tomato red.
"Arraseo. Let's just buy something. Kekeke.", said Dora eonnie.
IU and Dora eonnie walk towards the General Store and went inside. They both scanned the store where only the two of them were the customers inside. They took the snacks they want to buy and went to the cashier area together.
"It seems store clerk oppa's off day. Aw we missed his working day." said Dora eonnie.
IU then pinched Dora eonnie's side in which Dora eonnie jump and shriek a little.
"Oh are you talking about him?", asked the store clerk ahjussi while pointing in the picture of store clerk oppa hanging in the wall. "He's going to college when school starts. He just resigned a couple of days ago because he will move with his aunt temporarily so he'll be near the school. Don't worry he might be back in summer break, he just lived near here." Store clerk ahjussi smiled at both of them.
"Oh its you again. It's been a while since you visited.", said someone from the back. "It's unfortunate for you but oppa just resigned."
IU and Dora eonnie looked back and saw store clerk eonnie.
"Annyeong, eonnie.", replied IU in a low voice.
"I'm Kim Eana by the way. What is yours?", asked store clerk eonnie while putting her hand forward.
"I'm Lee Ji Eun.", answered IU and shook Eana's hand.
"You can also call her IU.", said Dora eonnie smiling. "I'm her friend."
"Eonnie nice to meet you.", said IU. "Hope to see you more."
"Me too.", replied Kim Eana. "Looks like you guys have somewhere to go."
"Neh. You look busy too eonnie. We will be going now. Annyeong.", answered IU.
IU and Dora eonnie went out the store and ate the snacks they bought while walking home.
"That eonnie is pretty nice. We should have invited her to watch our performance.", said Dora eonnie.
"Yeah. But she might be busy in the store since the clubhouse will be packed and a lot of customers might be in the store." said IU.
"I guess you're right.", replied Dora eonnie. "I guess will see each other for the performance tomorrow. Annyeong IU. Get some goodnight rest."
"Neh eonnie. You too.", answered IU. "Annyeong."
IU and Dora eonnie separated and went to their houses.
< Saturday Night > < The Variety Talent Show Contest >
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another year of local performances by this lovely youngsters in the area. This is Music Vault's Summer Variety Talent Show Contest, brought to you by the Music Vault, the local neighbors, and the PYJ-S company. We are live here in this lovely park and I am your MC for the night, MC Boom of the Boom Academy. And I am your co-MC, MC Leeteuk, also of the Boom Academy.", said the enthusiastic MC's.
"Eomma, appa, I'll get going now.", IU told her parents.
"Neh. Ji Eun~ssi, FIGHTING!", said eomma.
"FIGHTING!", IU excitedly replied and waved at her parents.
"Oh there is our main star.", said Dancer Oppa.
"Did you hear guys? MC Boom said this show is sponsored by PYJ. Isn't PYJ another school across town?", asked the confused IU.
"Oh this is PYJ-S, which is the company. The high school is PYJ-H. Those two is run by PYJ.", explained Dancer Oppa.
"Ah. What does PYJ-S and PYJ-H stands for?", asked the assertive IU.
"PYJ-S= Park Young Jin-Sunbae. As for PYJ-H= Park Young Jin-Hoobae.", answered Dancer oppa.
"Ahhhh...", the whole group replied.
"Now in a couple of minutes we are going to start of with our first performance. But first we will introduce to you our three wonderful judges. First a well known actress of our time as well as an co-MC of the hit show "We Got Mission", Miss Kim Na Young." excitedly announced by MC Boom.
*Applause from audience*
"Next, another really good actress and comedian as well as an co-MC of the hit show "We Got Mission", Ms. Park Mi-Sun." announced by MC Leeteuk.
*Applause from the audience accompanied by some scream*
"Last but not the least. He is a judge of a popular talent show Kpop Superstar, he is also a well known producer, singer, and especially dancing. He is also the CEO of the company that is sponsoring this event. He is the one and only, the man himself, Mr. Park Young Jin." announced by MC Boom with tremendous energy. ( intro ).
*Roaring applause accompanied by shrieking screams and standing ovation*
"Contestants better do their best as this 3 judges are really something. Earlier we picked the line up of the performance so contestants get ready and show your stuff.", said MC Boom.
"FIGHTING!!", both MC Boom and MC Leeteuk shouted in unison.
*FIGHTING! the crowd responded*
"Wow it is really PYJ himself.", said Dancer Oppa. "We are going against some competition and a really good one, with the defending champ Kara and the mighty duo GD & T.O.P. We are the last performer behind the two. So, let's get ready and stretch up."
< Performance after performance >
"Now we will go to the defending champion, Kara"
"That was your defending champion, Kara.", said MC Boom. "Let us give them a round of applause."
*roaring applause on the crowd*
"Next is the duo with I think a big following in here tonight. Let's give them the stage. Here is GD and T.O.P."
"That was GD and T.O.P. with Park Bom." said MC Leeteuk. "That was some performance right MC Boom?"
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, they are really something MC Leeteuk.", added MC Boom. "Let us give them a round of applause."
* Roaring cheer from the crowd *
"Our last performers have already participated here last year and it look like they are here to win. Here is the last but not the least. Let us now introduce IU and crew performing an original titled "A Good Day". said MC Boom.
"WOW! Did you witness that MC Leeteuk? I felt like there is a live orchestra at the background. And that is one breath taking performance. It looks like our judges is speechless in their seats." said MC Boom.
"You are right MC Boom. Even the crowd who was chanting in the beginning fell silent at the end with their mouth open.", said MC Leeteuk.
"We really have a fierce competition tonight and I think the judges will really have a tough time picking a winner.", said MC Boom.
"Good thing we are not judging MC Boom.", added MC Leeteuk.
"That was IU and crew with a powerful performance. Let us give them a round of applause.", said MC Boom
* Thunderous applause comes out from the crowd *
"Now let us wait for the tally of the judge's scores.", added MC Boom.
< After several minutes passed. >
"Looks like we have a winner and the top 3 are very close, MC Boom.", MC Leeteuk announced.
"Oh good thing I did not volunteer myself to be a judge because I am fit to MC.", said the smiling MC Boom. "Ok now let us go to the winners starting with the 2nd runner up."
"And the 2nd runner up goes to..." ,MC Leeteuk announced.
* Drumroll.......... *
"Last year champion...", MC Leeteuk added
"Kara!!!", MC Leeteuk and MC Boom announced in unison.
*Roaring applause coming from the crowd*
"And now we go to the first runner up. Will it be GD & T.O.P or IU & crew?", asked MC Boom.
MC Boom opened the envelope.
"The one I am going to announce is the first runner up and it goes too......"
* Drumroll............... *
"...GD & T.O.P. That means IU is the new champion for this year Music Vault's Summer Variety Talent Show Contest! Congratulations IU and crew." said MC Boom.
* Thunderous cheer from the crowd *
MC Boom went towards IU.
"IU do you have any shoutouts?", asked MC Boom.
"I want to thank the audience because last year we hardly had any and I have no idea where you come up with a chant and we hardly know you guys. Also I want to thank my friends here in stage. This win is not only for me but for all of us. Also, I want to thank my parents, eomma, oppa, for the support. And especially a nice Music Fairy who gave us this song. Kamsamida!", IU said in an almost teary voice.
"Well thank you Music Fairy.", said MC Boom.
"We also want to thank our 3 wonderful judges, Ms. Kim Na Young, Ms. Park Mi-sun, and the man Mr. Park Young Jin.", said MC Leeteuk.
"Let us not forget our sponsors, the local neighborhood, Music Vault, and PYJ-S.", added MC Boom.
"Let us again give all the performers a round of applause.", said MC Leeteuk.
"That is all for Music Vault's Summer Variety Talent Show Contest, Boom Academy out.", said MC Boom and MC Leeteuk in unison.
*Thunderous applause coming from the crowd*
< The people are now leaving the venue. >
Moving along with the exiting audience, there were IU's group and they just met up with IU's parents.
"Eomma, appa, we finally won.", said IU as she goes to hug her parents.
"Good job, Ji Eun~ssi.", said appa while patting her head.
"That was a really good song the Music Fairy gave you.", said eomma while hugging IU.
"You guys to, you really performed your heart out tonight.", said eomma while looking at the group.
"Kamsamida eomeoni.", said the group in unison.
"IU I think you should have this.", said Dora eonnie while handing the Music Vault's Grand Champion trophy.
"This trophy is for all of us, we all worked hard on it guys. It is not just for me.", said IU towards her group members.
"We know, but it was you who made it possible for us, with that performance and the song itself.", said Dancer Oppa.
All the members agreed with Dancer Oppa and nodded.
"We need a good place for our trophy and I think it will fit in to your house, right eomeoni?", asked Dora eonnie.
Eomma nodded and tapped IU's shoulder to physically show to take the trophy.
IU took the trophy and the group said their goodbyes to each other and went home.
IU, appa, and eomma were in front of their house when IU suddenly stopped.
"Appa, eomma, I'll go to the store and buy some dessert. It will be my treat.", said IU proudly while showing off the prize money that the group won in the contest. "I'll be back." ( like this )
IU walked towards the store and went in. She went to the frozen food aisle and took a half-gallon of peach ice cream. She made her way to the cashier when suddenly a familiar voice greeted her.
"Looks like you had a good day today IU~ssi.", said the store clerk eonnie.
"Neh, Kim Eana eonnie. We just won the Music Vault's talent show.", said the smiling IU.
"Wow. Congratulations. It seems you are treating someone tonight.", said Kim Eana while pointing at the ice cream.
"Kamsamida eonnie. I'm just sharing my good day to my parents,", said IU.
"Well, enjoy your ice cream. Looks like your parrot came to accompany you home." , said Kim Eana.
As the entrance door opened, Mr. Parrot flew to IU's shoulder and began to peck on her hair. IU and Kim Eana exchanges goodbye. IU went out of the store with Mr. Parrot and walking home when out of nowhere a cold breeze pass through them which startled the two. IU and Mr. Parrot then look up front and saw a short-stature silhouette of a man with long, unkempt curly hair.
"Errr...Pedo-Fairy...Errr...Pedo-Fairy...", said Mr. Parrot loudly.
"Oh its Music Fairy ahjussi.", sighed IU. "Ehm...Music Fairy, I wanted to thank you for the song that you gave me."
"Jung So-Hee.", muttered the Music Fairy.
"Whoa. So you do talk. Jung So-Hee? Was she the one who made the song?", asked IU.
"Kim Eana. Lee Min-Soo.", added the Music Fairy.
"Lee Min-Soo? Kim Eana? Wait is it the same Kim Eana from the store?", asked by the confused IU.
Suddenly another cold breeze passed through and once again the Music Fairy. But before the Music Fairy disappeared it whispered two more words.
"LOEN Entertainment?", repeated the more confused IU.
< Into IU's thoughts >
" I guess that Music Fairy ahjussi can speak but I have no idea what are the names for. Maybe they were the one who helped me out today. I guess I will thank them tonight because today they made my day a good day. And they made me feel like...
...I'm in my dream!!! !!! !!! "
The End???
So now, * ☞ cue credits * Play video ☟ before reading the credits.
( Credits to the following: )
Lee Ji Eun/IU (for her awesomeness)
LOEN Entertainment (for all IU-related materials)
SBS, MBC, & KBS (for live performances videos of IU)
SBS, MBC, & KBS (for live performances videos of IU)
Lee Ji Eun's parents (as themselves and for raising IU)
Chung Jae-Hyung (as Music Fairy)
Mr. Parrot (as Mr. Parrot)
Good Day's Dancer Oppa (as Dancer Oppa)
Good Day's IU's crush in the store (as store clerk oppa)
Good Day's Dancer Eonnie (as Dora eonnie)
Good Day's Dancer Eonnie (as Dora eonnie)
Jung So-hee (for being epic)
Lee Min-Soo (for composing "Good Day")
Kim Eana (for the "Good Day" lyrics, store clerk eonnie)
Good Day Dancers (special cameo)
Sungha Jung ( for the ending theme )
JYP (for PYJ's parody name and guest judge)
Park Mi-sun (as guest judge)
Kim Na Young (as guest judge)
Boom Academy: Boom & Leeteuk (as MC Boom & MC Leeteuk)
Kara (as special guest)
GD, T.O.P, & Park Bom (as special guest)
Se7en (for PYJ's introductory music/video)
Y.G. (for lending his talents)
Music Bank (for Music Vault's parody name)
We Got Married (for We Got Mission's parody name)
mppchannel (Kara video)
KpopMusicxTV (GD & T.O.P. video)
OfficialSe7en (Se7en video)
starhyukeyo (IU video)
ChangminxJunsu2 (IU video)
KpopMusicxTV (GD & T.O.P. video)
OfficialSe7en (Se7en video)
starhyukeyo (IU video)
ChangminxJunsu2 (IU video)
PS: Check out my "Good Day" review here: Oppa~Ga
Waaah! Kuya Joe, is that you??? Hahaha! Gumagawa ka pala ng fanfictions. :) Pero kakaiba yung sayo ah. Based on KPOP :) Nice! Mahilig ka pala sa KPOP. :)))
ReplyDeletehindi mo pa pala nababasa yung introduction ko para sa Fan Fiction na ito, nasa taas lang ng blog na ito.. :)
Deletesa Kpop naman, itong singer yung trip ko..haha..
tska dahil sa walang magawa sa araw araw marami akong nadiskubre ng mga bagay bagay sa internet katulad ng mga Korean drama at variety show..kaya pinapampalipas oras ko itong mga ito..haha..
read my previous blogs so you will have some info in my posts..haha..
PS: How is my writing and grammar, Master grammarrian?
Hahaha! Nice! Nagreply ka pala! Hahaha! Sige babasahin ko 'to from cover to cover. Hahaha! Finollow ko na 'tong blog mo. Baka gusto mo din i-follow yung akin. Hahaha! Kung gusto mo lang naman Kuya! Hahaha! :)
ReplyDeleteAyus ahh! Gusto ko din gumawa ng fan fic pero wala eh di ko kaya! Infairness naman sayo ang ganda ng fan fic mo hindi ko lang masyado maintindihan yung ibang Korean terms eh. Hehehe! Looking forward to the next episode! Keep it up!:)
pano ba mag-follow ng blog? hehe.. may nabasa narin ako sa mga post mo, puro mga libro yung topic..hehe..
ReplyDeletemga basic na Korean terms lang naman mga yun..hahahah...
Hahaha! Eh yun lang naman kasi alam kong gawin eh. :)