In the month of September and October, I have been following this certain group in K-Pop that really got me to search anything related to them with the likes of their songs, albums, pictures, variety shows, dramas, CF's, fan made videos, fan forums, and especially their profiles. I started following this particular group thanks to my bored-ness one day in September and trying to find shows to watch in So who is this addictive group I am talking about? Let me introduce them as how they were introduced in the show I first discovered them.
" For A-Pink.
By A-Pink.
A-Pink News.
News dedicated to A-Pink.
A-Pink News. "
Sorry I am unable to do the Romanization, I still lack the skills. But this is the next best thing, us International Fans favorite and are thankful for, English Subtitles. :D
From the introduction alone, you already know which group got me addicted in the last 2 months. Yes it is those lovely ladies of Acube Entertainment, A-Pink. You might have already known if you read the new name for this blog, if you are a "Pink Panda".
So how did I get hooked to A-Pink?
As I have mentioned before, one day in September I was bored and looking for shows through, and as I was browsing through the pages of shows, I saw A Pink News. At first it did not caught my eye, but when I looked at the thumbnail for the video, the person looked familiar so I clicked on it. Forgot who was on that thumbnail, I think it was either NaEun or NamJoo, but that picture got me interested and watch the video that was linked in the site. I partially give my thank you to for introducing me to the show A-Pink News and a full thank you to apinksubs, who uploaded and subtitled the show for the would be International Pink Panda. Before I tell you why I become fond of these girls, I will talked about that girl that was featured in that thumbnail, Son Na Eun or Kim Nam Joo of A-Pink.
Let me start with A-Pink's Son Na Eun. The name Na Eun, I have already heard or seen about it before I knew A-Pink but not in any K-Pop related stuff instead in the video game scene, specifically the DOTA 2 community. I am fond of watching professional DOTA 2 players streams to improve my game play in the said game. I watched their scrims or scrimmage, their tournament games, and the most entertaining part, their public games or pubs. I watched this particular player stream and he had an online friend that has an IGN (In-game name) "Na Eun", at first I thought to myself what a cute name as that person also have a cute profile picture (Son Na Eun's picture in a white dress and smiling). Seeing that picture for the first time, I had no idea that she was a K-Pop Idol. So when I watched the very first video that linked me, I kept on hearing Na Eun's name and I was wondering who she was, and there it is it was the same girl in that players profile picture. I still do not know if it was Na Eun on the thumbnail, but was it her that got me interested in A-Pink in the first place? Well I will say that she did made me curious, but the one that made an impact to me is the second girl that I think that was on the thumbnail, Kim Nam Joo.
What made me curious about A-Pink's Kim Nam Joo? Well, she was the first member that caught my eye, as she has this appearance and aura that is familiar to me. Even as of now, I still see that aura and appearance and I have no idea what it is. It is like there is a mysterious effect of NamJoo in me. :D "She looked like someone but I have no idea who" is the mantra that I always have when I see her pictures or when she is in a show. Taking some idea from Netizens, some of them say that she kinda look similar to Korean Actress Park Shin Hye (my favorite Korean Actress as well as my crush), which I also see in Kim Nam Joo in some ways. Oh well, whatever is that mysterious aura of hers affecting me, I am glad to have discovered A-Pink as they are all down-to-earth and attractive girls.
What made me like A-Pink?
Since I discovered them through their documentary, A Pink News, I got to know them through their personalities, which is out of the typical norm of knowing celebrities from pictures, CF's, dramas, shows, etc... I did not need to get information in the interwebs to know their name as they themselves introduced it in the show. Knowing them through their documentary, you can see their true self aside from the image that they are portraying as a K-Pop Idol. I got to know them as the adorkable (dorky + adorable), food-loving, energetic, down-to-earth, group. From their "maknae-looking leader", Park ChoRong, and "leader-looking maknae", Oh HaYoung. The strong playful '93-liner" duo, Yoon BoMi and Jung EunJi. The 2 of the "G3" (according to Boom) or what I call the "Tri-Tower" and the 2 most quiet member in the group, Son NaEun and Hong YooKyung. And the last but not the least, the talkative one, Kim NamJoo.
A-Pink Music.
A-Pink's musical genre is what A Cube Entertainment, as the sound of the "First Genaration of K-Pop" or the "90's K-Pop". The sounds of S.E.S and Fin.KL during the mid to late 1990's. Having grown up during the 90's, I got to listen to the music of that decade as a kid. Even though I did not listen to any 90's K-Pop growing up, the music is quite similar to the popular hits (English) during the decade, full of melodies and catchy song. And with a similar playful and upbeat type of music that I grew up listening too, it is easy to love it as it feels nostalgic.As for the image of the group, A-Pink was going for the cute and innocent concept, which will make you think that it would not suit them at first when watching them through their documentary as their personalities does not seem to mix with it. After watching their Music Videos, I think of the opposite as the new rookie girl groups are going for a hip-hop, mature, and sexy concept during their debut year (2011), they stand out with the opposite theme from what is popular nowadays. As A-Pink going back to the First Generation of K-Pop, they reintroduced the music where K-Pop were rooted from which gives some of the new shippers to K-Pop a taste of the old, the taste I really liked. "I am a 90's kid, baby!" : )
What is up with the new blog name?
So, what is up with the blog name, right? Well as just as it says, UaenaxPanda is a combination of the fan club/fancafe name of the certain K-Pop Idols that I have come to love. With that love, I decided to join an International Fan Forum for those certain idols. For those who are always updated or moderately updated in the K-Pop world, from the name itself you know which Idols fan club I am referring to. As for the new guys, i'll explain it to you.
Uaena is the fan club name for Korean Nation Little Sister, IU. I mentioned before (when the name of this blog was IUxPYBK) that IU's fan club name were undecided, meaning no official name, that is why the previous blog was name as it is (read more). Few months ago, in IU's 4th Anniversary of her debut, she composed a song devoted to her fans titled "Uaena", which was the name of one of the IU's fan cafe in Korea. Later on, IU's Wikipedia page officially named her fan club as "Uaena" so I think this is what the fans of IU will now be called. Thus the name Uaena is included in exchange for IU.
Panda is for Pink Panda which is the official fan club name for A-Pink. The name was derived from the combination of the groups name for the "Pink" and the nickname the girls gave to one of their manager, "Kung-Fu Panda", which is where the "Panda" came from.
Why did I left out the "Pink" and only used "Panda"?
Well as much as I do not particularly dislike the color nor are embarrassed to admit in preferring the color, I think as part of the male population of A-Pink's fan, we should have our own color and incorporate that color with the "Panda". What color do I prefer? I have no idea. :D I guess "Pink" is good enough (Schizo!) as my college course color in the University I studied in is Fuchsia Pink. For this blog name though I will stick with "Panda".
Mixing those two together you get UaenaXPanda.
djPYBK Trivia:
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