Saturday, August 18, 2012

A "Graceful" Slip.

On August 14, 2012 MBC had its MBC's 2012 DMZ Peace Concert at Gyeonggido Peace Park. The concert features well known Korean Idols such as, B2ST (Batoost), Shinee, f(x), FT Island, Sistar, A Pink, Ailee, Boyfriend, and the star of this blog, IU. It was an outdoor event and the weather was not really cooperating this day as it produce some rainfall and obviously made the concert stage wet. Well you do not have to have an IQ of a genius to know what will be the content of this blog and if you have not get it yet here is a preview:

Still have no idea? Well this picture does not really tell much as there is a picture of some girl that is on her back with an awkward pose being pasted on another picture. Unfortunately that some girl is non other than IU, yes IU the "Little Sister of South Korea", the Korean Idol herself. But what is up with that awkward pose you ask. To easily explain it, watch this video.

Credits to: spineltv

As you have watched, it shows you IU slipping on stage and the last slip (the one where she was able to recover in) happened during the MBC's 2012 DMZ Peace Concert. It was during her "Good Day" stage performance in the event. She wore high heels in this performance, where during that day had some rainfall. I do not know the feeling dancing on high heels, but I know that it is hard walking (with sneakers or barefooted) in a wet, flat surface (yes I experienced falling, ooh how I feel like a noob). With IU performing in this environment with high heels, I can say is really challenging and for her to recover from a slip, really shows IU's athleticism ( <#3 ). Speaking about athleticism, as you have seen from that long banner I post at the top, it features the sports Fencing where IU's "slip pose" is being parodied/"meme". Let us look at those picture parodies and have some laugh ^-^. IU kyeopta!

IU: I will avenge you Shim-eonnie! YAHH!

IU: Luke. I will fight your father.

IU: Yeah! SC2 Champion! What do you expect I have Korean "fingers".

IU: Who said it was a wet, flat surface? It was a rope and I am working on my balance.

Here is a video version of the Korean media about the IU slip "meme".

Credits to: spineltv

If you are an IU fan, you know that she will not make this slight stage slip accident to bother her, but instead make fun of it as what she did by replying from a Tweet by lyricist of "Good Day" & "Nagging", Ms. Kim Ea Na. Miss Kim Ea Na twitted IU, "Please stop falling" (in Korean of course). IU then replied, "I didn't fall today... Look I had a safe landing!!" (in Korean again of course). The witty IU strikes again.

Link, link, links...

The twitter conversation between IU and Kim Ea Na, Korean and English Translation:

K-Pop website news featuring the IU slip:

Credits to:
All of the links I mentioned above.
You! The one reading this. <3 ^_^

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